Consumer Behavior

The Business Strategy of Being Human in an AI Everything World


Meet Cody Strate: A Revenue-Driven Tech Marketer and Thought Leader




The Business Strategy of Being Human in an AI Everything World
The Business Strategy of Being Human in an AI Everything World

In the rapidly evolving landscape punctuated by AI and mechanized processes, "The Business Strategy of Being Human" offers a deeply intuitive counterpoint: the undying value of genuine human connection. It lays bare the prevalent disillusionment consumers face – a world filled with businesses more focused on transactions than fostering real relationships. Drawing upon compelling case studies and psychological insights, the article underscores a potent strategy for businesses to not just survive but thrive — by embracing the imperfect, yet real, human touch. It beckons companies to foster authentic relationships, to brave the road less traveled, and to infuse a vibrant personality into their offerings. Rooted in robust principles, it argues for a strategy where caring is not just an add-on but a core business principle — a true north. The article articulates a path forward, emphasizing the urgency for businesses to stand as harbingers of trust, respect, and genuine connection, thereby etching a future that's not just profitable but profoundly fulfilling.

In the Age of AI, Authentic Human Connection is Your Ultimate Competitive Advantage


In the last decade, we have witnessed an unprecedented acceleration in the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and technological advancements in business landscapes globally. Every conceivable industry has been transformed, from the smallest startups to the largest corporations, all in a bid to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and theoretically enhance the user experience. This tech revolution brought us intelligent systems capable of mimicking, and even surpassing, human intelligence, thereby revolutionizing the way we perceive and interact with the business world.

But this constant race towards hyper-automation has not been without its downsides. Companies, in their zest to present a 'corporate-clean' image, have often embraced a sterile, impersonal approach, wiping clean traces of human quirks that made them relatable and real in the eyes of the consumers. The result is the modern business landscape that feels less human, more artificial — an environment where transactions are crisp, efficient, and startlingly devoid of warmth and personal touch.

Moreover, while businesses have been eager to adopt an “AI-everything” approach, the landscape has become saturated with similar strategies, resulting in a paradox where the attempt to stand out has led to a homogenization of experiences, a commoditization of interactions. The gloss and glamor brought by technology, though visually appealing, have inadvertently created a chasm, distancing businesses from the lives and realities of the people they serve. The unique stories, the authentic experiences, and the real human moments are being lost in translation, obscured by an over-emphasis on robotic perfectionism.

This has inadvertently given rise to a cycle where businesses chase ever more elaborate technological solutions, striving to reclaim the lost connection, only to find that the magic, the spark that lights up a true human connection, remains elusive. A relentless focus on technology has created a conundrum where the path to reclaiming human touch seems to be getting more convoluted, more distant.

As we’ve seen the surge of game changing technologies being utilized en mass in such a short period of time it’s important to stop, look around, reflect, and ask ourselves a simple question: Have we lost more than we gained? Is the road of hyper-techno innovation leading us to a destination we actually want to arrive at, a place devoid of the heart and soul – the very essence of being "human"?

There is a pressing need to rediscover the balance, to find a harmonious convergence between technology and humanity, where businesses do not just serve customers, but connect with them, understanding and valuing them as individuals with unique stories, desires, and needs.

As the world gets more intertwined with technology, it becomes a serious strategic imperative for businesses to ask — Are we fostering connections or just transactions? Are we building relationships or just databases?

It is time to bring the focus back to the ‘human’ in business, to foster relationships that are built on trust, understanding, and a genuine care for the wellbeing of all stakeholders involved. It is time to bring the soul back into business, to reintroduce the world to the power of being “human” in a corporate setting.

The Business Strategy of Being Human

In the midst of the contemporary business epoch, a period deeply entrenched in groundbreaking technological feats, there exists a paradoxical yearning for the simplicity and authenticity that is distinctly human. As businesses leverage artificial intelligence and other digital tools to streamline operations and create impeccable experiences, it becomes ever more essential to retain the touch of human connection; a connection that blossoms from genuine laughter, the warmth in a handwritten note, the courageous admission of a mistake. These distinctly human gestures hold an irreplaceable gravitas, a sincerity that the pinnacle of technological advancements can't replicate with true authenticity.

As we proceed to explore this in the sections to follow, it is our endeavor to propose a balanced approach that celebrates technological advancements while bringing back the focus on nurturing the human spirit which forms the crux of meaningful relationships and heartfelt connections.

We intend to delve into various aspects where businesses can reintroduce those indispensable human elements that foster trust, emanate genuine care, and resonate authenticity in their strategies — carving out a space where businesses don't just exist as entities but flourish with a soul, with a heart that beats in harmony with its stakeholders.

In this pursuit, we will highlight critical dimensions that echo the essence of being "human" in business, delineating actionable strategies rooted in the fundamental instincts and virtues that bind us as a community.

Section 1: Trust & Passing the “BS Sniff Test”

In the grand theater of human history, we find ourselves as players endowed with a dual disposition — a capacity for immense collaboration and creativity, and a counterpart that can instigate harm and destruction. It is within this dichotomy that the intrinsic and timeless principle of trust finds its origin story.

Definition & Historical Context

As we navigate the nuances of relationships — both personal and professional — there exists an inherent truth found in all of us that’s grounded in our human nature: in unity, there is strength. Throughout history, our capability to forge partnerships, achieve collective goals, and build societies has been pivotal, a testament to the boundless potentials unlocked through collaboration. This cooperative spirit, however, stems from a foundational and earned trust, a bedrock facilitating the harmonious and symbiotic interactions we engage in every day.

Nevertheless, this “cooperative spirit” is not a guaranteed outcome of every interaction. The inherent potential for chaos and calamity in human engagements necessitates a safeguard, a system forged through centuries of evolutionary conditioning to shield us from deceit and foster genuine connections — this is our inherent "BS Sniff Test." This metaphorical litmus test serves a critical function, enabling us to navigate through a myriad of narratives and distinguish the authentic from the fraudulent. It is an essential tool in our endeavor to build relationships rooted in truth and sincerity, guiding us in a world where deception is a constant lurking possibility.

The cultivation of trust is iterative, unfolding gradually through a series of positive interactions. It stands vigilant, distinguishing genuine narratives from the inauthentic in a landscape often marred by artificiality. In the current business environment, where the "corporate-clean" image tends to hold sway, it is vital for companies to successfully navigate the "BS Sniff Test" with their audiences. Far from being a mere gold standard, passing this test has transformed into a moral imperative, a vivid demonstration of a company's sincere intention to foster respectful and authentic relationships with its clientele.

In an era dominated by technological sophistication and an unyielding pursuit of perfection, we find that an over-polished, hyper-clean presentation often registers as artificial and untrustworthy to the human observer, essentially failing the "BS Sniff Test." This is rooted in the fundamental truth that we humans are naturally imperfect, drawn towards the nuances and quirks that signify the presence of another genuine individual. The overly perfect, bereft of imperfections, becomes too slippery a surface to grasp, relate to, or connect with. It lacks the depth and texture that human narratives inherently possess, those idiosyncrasies that beckon us, suggesting the pulsating presence of life behind a narrative.

As such, while technology and AI can craft technically flawless content, it may not necessarily resonate on a human level. The challenge, therefore, is to harmonize the impeccable capabilities of AI with a warm, human touch, a gesture of genuine care, and respect. This involves nurturing a presentation that balances technical perfection with human authenticity, one that is relatable, real, and capable of passing the stringent "BS Sniff Test," thereby paving the way for the development of true trust and mutual understanding.

The Trust Solution: Embracing Genuineness

As businesses undertake the pivotal task of rekindling lost connections and rebuilding bridges of trust with their audience, the cornerstone of their approach must be grounded in authenticity and genuineness. This journey is about fostering a culture that prizes openness and vulnerability, a space where mistakes are not just acknowledged but embraced as opportunities for growth, painting not just a polished, immaculate facade but a true, nuanced picture of the brand's spirit.

This pathway goes far beyond mere transactions; it seeks to nurture relationships that are not just dependable but profoundly real, founded on a bedrock of genuine interactions and a steadfast commitment to truth.

Diving deeper into the realm of genuineness, it becomes apparent that this strategy calls upon businesses to relinquish the masks and reveal the true self that lies underneath. It is an invitation to embrace the imperfections that define our humanity, the quirks and idiosyncrasies that breathe life and soul into a brand.

By choosing to walk this path, businesses foster connections that are not only deeper but inherently more enduring, standing tall on a strong foundation of truth and authenticity. It’s a relationship sculpted with care, shaped with truth, and nurtured with a genuine spirit, promising not just growth but a journey rooted in mutual respect and understanding.

Case Study: Peak Design

Take, for instance, the strategy adopted by Peak Design, a San Francisco-based frontrunner in creating products with impeccable craftsmanship centered around photography. By the way, I should mention that I’m a very happy Peak Design customer. This company stands unparalleled in the commitment to quality it showcases in each product it develops.

A remarkable demonstration of their authentic engagement with consumers unfolds in their "product explainer" YouTube videos, where Lawrence P. Lander presents the multifaceted uses of their ingenious products. These videos are not just instructional but offer a raw, unfiltered insight into the brand's personality.

While Lawrence exudes a deep-seated knowledge of the practical and technical nuances of their products, it is the conscious choice to retain spontaneous mistakes that sets these videos apart. Instead of presenting a polished, error-free narrative, Peak Design embraces the quirks and imperfections, creating moments that resonate on a human level. It’s a testimony to their comfort in their skin, viewing these so-called "errors" not as blemishes to be hidden away, but as opportunities for genuine connection.

This strategy transforms their brand into a personable entity, inviting viewers to forge an emotional connection, drawn from shared laughter and the celebration of authentic moments.

To witness this approach in action, check out the candid moments here:

Example 1 a 7:11

Example 2 Bloopers

Section 2: Give a Damn

The Common Scenario

We've all been there — stuck in a loop of frustration as we reach out to a company for help, only to be met with cold, automated responses or overly scripted call agents that make it abundantly clear that they are in no way invested in helping you beyond the script provided. It's that sinking feeling of being nothing more than a statistic in a sprawling database, a stark contrast to the warm, personal care we yearn for. Sadly, in this day and age, being genuinely cared for is the exception, not the rule. The faceless company landscape has forgotten what it means to truly value each individual, to see past the numbers, and to simply give a damn.

Now, let's not misattribute the blame here; the pitfall of poor customer service is not a byproduct of the rapid technological advancements we are witnessing today. This problem has been lurking in the business corridors for much longer, stubbornly persisting through generations. Yet, herein lies a golden opportunity. As many lose themselves in the race for the next big innovation, companies have the chance to distinguish themselves by reviving the art of giving a damn. It's a refreshing divergence, a path less traveled in the modern business landscape. Choosing to foster a genuine connection, to show that they truly care could be the game-changer, setting them leagues apart in a sea of indifference. It's not just about keeping up with technology; it's about nurturing humanity, showcasing a business heart that beats with empathy and authenticity, and leading with a hand of warmth and understanding. It’s about seizing the opportunity to be the rare gem that shines with a light of genuine care in an otherwise impersonal market.

The Give a Damn Solution

To break this cycle and stand out from the rest of the pack, companies must adopt a “Give a Damn” approach. This involves actively showcasing a genuine concern for consumers’ experiences and needs.

Instigating this paradigm shift begins at the leadership level, steering the company towards a culture grounded not just in selling products, but genuinely caring for its consumers. It's a strategic transformation that transforms a company from a mere seller to a compassionate partner, promoting a culture where open dialogue and active listening are not the exception but the norm. This approach beckons a proactive stance in enhancing customer experiences — envisioning services that echo personalization, valuing feedback with a sincere heart, and crafting products with the customer's welfare in mind.

By placing "giving a damn" at the forefront of company priorities, not just as a moral stance but as a strategic imperative, a nurturing environment burgeons. Here, every team member is empowered and encouraged to extend a hand of understanding and respect towards consumers, laying the groundwork for relationships that are not just profitable, but also fulfilling and lasting, resonating with warmth and mutual respect. It is about forging a business ecosystem that embodies care at every juncture, a space that stands as a beacon of sincerity and commitment in a world hungry for authenticity.

Section 3: Standing Out vs. Blending In

The Marketing Dilemma

In the competitive world of business, companies often find themselves faced with a dilemma - should they adhere to the proven paths and blend in with the corporate crowd, or should they dare to break the mold and carve out a unique identity? It's a pressing concern because while blending in offers a safer harbor, it essentially mutes the distinctive voice a company might possess, squandering opportunities for prospects to forge an emotional connection.

The Risks and Rewards

There's no denying that charting a unique path carries risks — of alienation, of not hitting the right chord, and perhaps attracting criticism. However, the reward for being brave vastly overshadows the perceived risks. Companies that dare to showcase a true personality, that resonate with authenticity and sincerity, often find a more dedicated and engaged consumer base. These are the firms that are remembered, that spark conversations and foster emotional bonds, evolving not just as brands but as movements, as entities with which consumers proudly identify. It is this bravado that has the potential to elevate a brand from being just another name in the market to a household name cherished and respected by many.

The Stand Out Solution


Embracing and showcasing a company's true personality is not just strategic but an essential endeavor in forging real connections with the consumer base. It is reminiscent of the approach Peak Design adopted in their "product explainer" videos where they chose to retain the quirky presentation errors, allowing viewers a glimpse into the company’s authentic spirit. This route encourages a transparent representation of the company, one that is unafraid to exhibit its authentic quirks, human touch, and underlying values.

Through such an open display of its personality — portraying joy, vulnerability, and sharing laughter — a company can foster unprecedented emotional connections with consumers, painting itself not as a faceless entity but as a friend who shares a vibrant tapestry of genuine, relatable human experiences. It is about creating a space that resonates with truth and authenticity, a space where consumers not only buy a product but buy into a personality, a spirit that stands apart in a sea of perfection, carving a distinctive and cherished place in their hearts.


However, it all boils down to one underlying virtue — bravery. It requires a certain kind of valor to resist the trend of blending in, to dare to be different, and to proudly showcase what sets a company apart. It is about making bold choices, championing unheard voices, and sometimes, swimming against the tide to stand true to one's principles. This bravery doesn't just foster a brand; it cultivates a legacy, a story that reverberates through time, touching hearts and encouraging a deeper level of engagement from consumers who not only buy into a product but into a narrative, a vision, and most importantly, a genuine human connection.


As I look to end this discussion, I find it best to circle back to the pressing question left hanging at the outset: "Are we fostering connections or just transactions? Are we building relationships or just databases?" It is this question that has guided our journey thus far, and it is with this question in mind that we should forge ahead, emphasizing the importance of retaining the essence of humanity in business strategies.

Leveraging technology in the current era isn’t just advisable, it's essential. However, as we integrate digital advancements into our strategies, I champion the idea of not allowing this deluge of technological advancement and innovation to cause us to lose sight of the importance of simply being human. After all, we are people trying to market and sell solutions to other people.

In a world racing towards perfection, I want companies to place high value on the imperfections, the quirks, the moments of vulnerability that make us human and allow for genuine connections to flourish.

Reflecting upon examples like Peak Design, I am urged to underscore the sheer power and potential residing in a business's capacity to be unapologetically human. It is about being brave enough to let the business’s personality shine, being open to sharing not just the strengths but the quirks, thus forming an emotional connection with the audience on a level that is personal, deep, and real.

Our aim should be not just to pass the 'BS Sniff Test' but to cultivate a culture rooted in caring and mutual respect. The idea is to build a business landscape where the strategy of being human is more than a catchphrase — it is a guiding philosophy that involves creating connections that are genuine, bonds that echo with laughter, understanding, and most importantly, warmth and sincerity.

Don’t lose the plot in the midst of the AI wave. We are just people trying to connect with other people, and people are not perfect. It’s our quirks and imperfection that makes us human, and is our greatest asset in inviting connection, truth, and trust in others.

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Meet Cody Strate: A Revenue-Driven Tech Marketer and Thought Leader




The Business Strategy of Being Human in an AI Everything World